Tuesday, April 2, 2019
I AM the Light of the World - How to Live in the Light of Your True Identity
We have been trained to think of ourselves as human beings as opposed to spiritual beings and as such we have been indoctrinated with the idea of limitation. In other words, because the body is limited (it requires food, water, sleep, housing, relatively small) as we identify with it, we believe that we are limited as well. Yet if you realize the body is just a temporary vehicle while the soul or spirit is a forever vehicle, we can adjust our view to identify as Spirit/Soul and we release the concept of material limitation that we have learned and adopted. For instance, I Am the Light of the World places you in the internal realm of Spiritual Light as your true form and identification.
The question is how to release the dense body as the limited concept of who you are, that you may assume the truth of who you really are as the Light Energy of your Eternal Being is the question. Start with identifying the mental architecture (beliefs and stories) that you have constructed and accepted. Through this mental (imagined structure) you have contrived a life as limited and difficult. Beliefs: “You must work hard; the body is frail and victim to disease and viruses; other people have power over you.” These statements relate to the limiting concepts that have been taught, repeated, and accepted. They are truth for you as you adopt them.
This Body of Light that you really are is all-powerful and will accept whatever program you give it. A computer accepts whatever software program you install in it. You have the power to delete programs, edit programs, and create new programs. The computer is invented and developed on this original idea of the mind. Our Divine Light Body will also morph into whatever we set as its program. This gives us immense power to change, become, and expand.
Because we have spent so many years repeating the program, “I am powerless, helpless, sick, weak, and struggling” instead of I AM the beauty and Light of the world; I AM powerful, omniscient, and without limit, we must now edit and install new software (beliefs and stories).
What would happen if you addressed every situation with the mental construct of vastness, mutability, and power? I Am the Light of the world. All power is mine and every possibility is available to me. I Am open to receive the highest possibilities and solutions.
Try it and find out. If you are determined and persevering in this new program, you would eventually (perhaps sooner rather than later) open to a new you. You would begin to live more in the Light than in the dense expression of materiality. Does this scare you? Does this excite you? Check your reaction to these ideas. Your reaction will determine your readiness. A faint heart yields faint results. You decide what will be.
I Am the Light of the world will call your Light Spiritual Beinginess to your awareness. You can frame this new self as I Am the Light; I Am the inner essence of Spirit. I vibrate in joyful connection to Spirit. I Am Spirit. Adjust the concept in accordance with your understanding.
When Jesus said I AM the Light of the world, he also said YOU are the Light of the world. He was speaking of bringing your sense of identity to the truth of your being. We are all Light conceived. The dense body proceeds or projects from that inner point of creation. We can place our focus at either place and that decision controls our destiny.
Are you ready to release the heaviness of the mental constructs you took on as a child? If so you have a new way awaiting. Begin the process. State daily: I Am the Light of the world. All possibilities are open to me. The egoic self no longer controls with ideas of limitation. I open to my Greater Self and every possibility – I AM the Light. With each day of practice your identification with the limitless potential you possess will grow.
By the way, Light and Love is the same thing. Which is to say that you are the Love of the world too.
Jean Walters is a Transformational Coach, Akashic Record Reader, Author, Teacher. Her books can be found on Amazon.com. You can reach her at 314 991 8439 website: http://www.spiritualtransformation.com
Intuition: What it is and how to trust it!
I am frequently asked about intuition… what is it? How do I know if I am connected to it? How do I know if it is real and not something I made up? Hey, great questions. Let’s explore the answers.
As an intuitive, Akashic Record reader, and coach, I rely on my intuition in both business and personal life. I check each decision to make sure it is aligned with my highest purpose. That is a most important function of intuition, to keep you on track.
Intuition is also the guide to your Highest Intelligence. Thus the query, would you rather be given advice from your High Self or your ego? Hence cultivating your intuitive voice is probably the most important thing you will ever do. It makes your life easier, less stressful, and smoother. I think of it as helping me get to my destination as the crow flies – or, the shortest path.
As a professional intuitive, I depend on my still small voice for insights and instructions in every situation. When I work with clients, I am guided to the right energy, symbols and scenarios that supply the most meaning and impact for them. The messages that come through my channel are relatable, practical, and provide my clients the quickest way to accomplish what is needed and I mean as the crow flies.
The truth is that we live on many levels. The physical/material world happens to be the heaviest (densest) energetically. The finer realms, where intuition resides, are clear, insightful, and packed with wisdom. By following your intuition, you will discover ways to heal and to express your highest energy, passions and goals.
What is Intuition?
Intuition is the still, small voice that dwells within that guides, and sometimes prods us. It informs us if something is right or wrong for us and it offers insights about situations and relationships.
We are often tuned to it when we are quiet and heart focused as opposed to being in our analytical head or ego. When we dash through life, letting our intellect (head) lead the way, living by rigid rules and forced decisions, we are continually distracted by external noise and unable to listen deeply. The material world is loud, dramatic and demanding. As a result, we find it difficult to cultivate the deep inner listening necessary to access inner wisdom and life becomes chaotic and difficult.
To connect to inner knowing, we must step away from external noise. Take a break; stop. Go to the heart, sit quietly and listen. You can begin with five minutes a day. This allotted time will naturally expand as you develop mental discipline.
Is it real or are we making it up?
There are studies that illustrate the benefits of intuition. A 2015 study presented in the Journal of Positive Psychology indicates that intuition is particularly beneficial when a person is stressed or under pressure. It states that intuitive processes often lead to conclusions of higher value than rational-analytic methods of reasoning.
Another Forbes article states that scientists and researchers has proven that intuition is the highest form of intelligence. It is noted that gut feelings, hunches, or the still small voice of intuition contain power, insight, and truth. In fact, it offers far more than insight than the data available in the outside world.
We can use these faculties together. Use reason to back up intuition in much the way that Einstein did. He would intuit a premise (the speed of light or the law of relativity) and then go to work with his logical mind to find the formulas to back it up.
What’s the benefit?
Our intuition never lies or steers us in the wrong direction. When we dwell in the intuitive mind, we develop clarity because fear is displaced with love. It is vital to never make a decision out of fear because it leads to conclusions that may seem appropriate on paper but are ultimately bad as they are reactionary and do not take in the long view of a situation. Fear drowns out intuition and blocks forward movement. It is restrictive, confining, and shortsighted.
Love is expansive whereas fear constricts and creates anxiety. We may get an intuitive don’t do it signal, but the energy around that message is lighter and more insightful than the energy of fear. As you observe, intuition feels right, and there is a sense of clarity with it.
When connected to your intuition, you feel calm. Peace is indicative of truth and conclusions come easier. Even with a "don’t do it " or "this is a bad idea" message, there is still a sense of ease. In fact, intuition never goes against your desire; it is actually moves you toward it. And clarity always produces confidence.
How does it speak to us?
There are a variety of ways that your inner voice can speak to you. Feelings are important – a sense of peace or repulsion conveys choices. With clarity and lightness you know you are on the right path; when repulsed you know you are not. Your body does not know how to lie and you can be easily guided when you listen to it.
Dreams (day or night) are another way to receive messages. Dealing with dreams symbolically helps you understand the urges coming through. A person who dreams of being a super hero will probably become one – perhaps not with a cape and laser gun, but still a superhero. He may discover a new way to accomplish a purpose, heal an illness, rocket to space, or develop a higher technology. Recently I had a client who dreamed of earthquakes, floods and disaster and knew she must leave her job as it was having a negative effect on her. Another client met her beautiful, unconditionally loving mother in her dreams and was told that she is doing everything as she should and to continue. Both understood that they were being guided.
Intuition also shows up in symbols. When I see ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks, I am alerted to be attentive to what I am doing. To stay grounded. Or, you may see a word that shows up everywhere you go, SLOW DOWN; or an animal, like a deer, which instructs you to be gentle. Or a hawk that bears the message to take the long view. Indeed the Universe communicates through intuition in many ways.
Some exercises to Connect with Your Intuition
1) Get in touch with your authentic self. Through our lives we have buried and hidden our true selves under personalities and behavioral roles in order to stay safe and acceptable. We have paid a huge price for this as we end up creating blocks against recognizing our innate gifts and purpose. We must drop these false personas and get honest. You know what you love to do, how you love to express, and the things you find distasteful. These truths have been evident from the time you were a small child. If possible, connect with someone who can help you peel away the layers to free yourself and connect with your true self. By doing this, your intuition will get stronger and louder.
Gaining clarity on “who you truly are” will assist you in letting go of the past and learning to love yourself. It is an essential shift as intuition resides in love. If you disdain yourself, you stay boxed in fear and closed-mindedness. Our higher self — the source of intuition — is pure love. Loving yourself stabilizes your connection to your intuition.
Learning self-love can be a lifelong journey. Yet the more we accept ourselves, warts and all, flaws and mistakes, without judgment or self-denigration, the more we can live fully in our Higher Selves.
2) A most important practice is to learn to be still. Creating space to be quiet, meditate, breathe, and enjoy nature, will pay dividends. You will discover that connecting with your heart, gut, inner hunches, or intuitive voice gets easier day-by-day. Also, let go of negative or chaotic situations. They are draining. Also remove distractions and clutter. This helps to quiet the noise and drama of life. Within this space, your intuition gains strength.
3) Pay attention to your physical body to notice feelings that come up for you. Perhaps you feel uneasy about a person or situation, or you may feel a strong yes. Whatever you are feeling, take time to connect and explore it. With time it becomes obvious – is this feeling coming from intuition or fear. This is the work that must be done.
4) Another method of listening is channeled writing. Write a question on a piece of paper, take a few deep breaths, clear your mind, and write. You can wait for the words to start flowing or you can make circles on the paper until they surface. Once they do, start writing. Don’t filter, or concern yourself with spelling, grammar, sentence structure, or making sense of it. Keep writing until the words stop coming. Just trust what you are hearing. Your intuition is focused on helping you live your highest life. Often the answers that come are not the ones you think you want. But that goes to trust. Being honest is imperative to developing a strong relationship with your intuition.
As you become stronger at trusting your intuition, making choices gets easier. Decisions come faster and are more aligned with what is best for you. Anxiety is minimized, as you don’t agonize, or let your rational/intellectual mind sort everything out. Because you are attuned to your Higher Mind, instant feedback becomes your method and it offers the best option for you.
5) Becoming familiar with your intuitive voice makes is vastly easier to put it into practice. For instance, let’s say you are looking to change jobs. You might start thinking about each job you are considering. Explore the fears, dreams and visions associated with each one. For example, ponder your current job. What does your work environment feel like? Going through the various activities of the job, how do they feel? Does it feel like you are learning something important and does it align with your career goals? How do you feel as you go to work every day?
By asking questions, you define the problem. What is it you want to get clear on? Once you determine this, what are some possible solutions? Should you stay or go? And if you do go, what option is best for you — working for another company? Being self-employed? Being a full-time employee or a contract-based employee? Starting a different career? Doing something completely new?
Write down various options and let your intuition guide you to what feels best. What feelings show up in your body? The body is a great barometer of truth because it does not know how to lie. It will always give honest feedback of what you really want. You can mentally rationalize, but your body cannot. What do you feel? Relaxed, relieved, or peaceful? Then your answer is probably yes. Or does your body feel tense, anxious or distressed? If so, you’re being told that the solution you are considering is not the right one.
If you are still unsure, imagine going forward implementing each answer. With your imagination engaged, you will get immediate intuitive feedback. By imaging the new scenario, the body will actually feel it because it does not know the difference between what is real and what is made up. Visualize doing solution one. Move into it. How do you feel with each step? Are you fearful yet excited or do you feel dread and repulsion? Each feeling is an intuitive guide. Go through each possibility and you will know what is best.
Take time to reference if your reactions are fear or love (intuition) driven. Remember, fear feels heavy and restrictive. If you notice that feeling, give yourself time to figure out what you are afraid of. In other words, explore the fear. It is possible the initial fear is not the real fear. By getting to know your fear, you also learn more about yourself. All fear is irrational. Yet, exploring it may help you let it go. To say this differently, the only valid fear is when your life is endangered, like being chased by a bear. More than likely, the fear you feel is a remnant from the past and not really relevant to your situation.
Other fears might relate to being embarrassed or failing at a task or someone not liking you. These are the fears that keep you stuck and must be acted on. We are human beings having a learning experience. Listening to your intuition will help you learn. Life is a process and not a destination. When it feels right, walk through the fear and become free.
As you use these tools you will create a strong connection to your intuition and your life will flow more easily, you will have more clarity and joy.
Jean Walters is a Personal Growth Consultant, Coach, Akashic Record Reader, Author, and Teacher. You can find her books on Amazon.com. Website: http://www.spiritualtransformation.com You can reach her at 314 991 8439
Tips on Developing Your Intuition
Intuition, we all have it. Some use it every day all the time and others don't. Do you listen to your head or your heart? Head = intellect; heart = intuition (deeper knowing).
Intuition can show up as feelings, a great idea, a symbol presented in your life (a sign, a person, an animal, or even a situation). In fact, everything, when viewed from your Higher Mind, has significance and everything is a symbol of some sort. All can be used to guide your growth
Jesus said, "You shall know them by their works." He said works, not words. Often we get confused because people say one thing and do another. A radical example would be the fellow who says I love you and then smacks you. Words say one thing; actions state a completely different reality. A person is completely out of integrity when his words and actions don’t match. You are out of integrity if you believe him.
My suggestion is that you ignore what people say and pay close attention to what they do. Is this person kind to the little people – waitresses, cab driver, and store clerks?
Actions reveal the person. When we pay attention, we begin to observe life rather than be entangled in it. The more we observe without judgment (just watch it like a movie), the more we can cultivate our deeper sense of intuition. Why? Because we are no longer distracted with intellectual illusions.
Once we become entangled with people or situation and make judgments, feign outrage, become attached, we lose our edge. That means we are distracted from the still, small voice that resides within the heart. That is a heavy price to pay.
The truth is that love is action, not words. It is amazing to me how people want to be told how much they are loved when their friend or partner is going out of his/her way to show them. Can you see? In this confused state, we put words above actions and misjudge our situation. Yes, we are operating from our head and not our heart.
The first step in strengthening your intuition is to FEEL. That means feel the situation you are in, sense the person you are with, notice the energy in a situation. FEEL it. As you move beyond your intellectual (head) self, you will find your feeling sense will prove a valuable ally guiding you to your right answers and direction.
Many people ignore their feelings and that is a BAD mistake. Your feeling sense is to be trusted but it must be in the moment. That means that if you had a terrible experience with a tall Italian man in your past and now you react badly to all tall, Italian men, it is not your intuition speaking to you, but a past memory. It may take time to sort out memories versus true gut sensations. With practice, this can be done.
Practice FEELING and be willing to be wrong, because for sure your intellect will try interfere. Nevertheless, practice makes perfect.
When Jesus healed the blind man, the Pharisees (who represent our “letter of the law,” follow-the-rules mentality – rational but not intuitive) challenged him and said you must be a devil (evil) because you did something out of the ordinary and you had the nerve to help this guy out on the Sabbath – a time of rest. In other words, you broke the religious law of the time and that makes you bad. These Pharisaical thoughts, and everyone has them, are not spiritual or intuitive. They represent the way we have been indoctrinated. Our narrow beliefs in how things should be.
It so concerned the Pharisees that Jesus healed on the Sabbath that they wanted to get rid of him, stone him. Think about it… you do a kind act – do you second-guess yourself – maybe they won’t appreciate it, maybe I gave too much or too little, perhaps they won’t understand or I overstepped the boundaries, yada, yada, yada.
This second-guessing is Pharisaical. These are the thoughts that talk you out of living spontaneously, spiritually, and in love. They are based in egoic materialism in that they attempt to convince you to rationalize who you are instead of striving to feel the deepest compassion, love and kindness that you are and to operate from that.
If you were listening to your deep love (heart) what would you do today? Can you do it without second-guessing? Can you do it now?
There are different levels of intuition. Some guide you from past experiences as mentioned above – watch out for the tall Italian guy - and there are deeper levels of intuitive knowing that help you cultivate your highest essence. To access these profound levels, you must become non-judgmental, non-attached to specific outcomes, and non-resistant to what is. If you have not developed these qualities, then that is the next work to do.
Parting thought: Whatever work you do to strengthen your intuitive understanding will bring you tremendous rewards. As you move your awareness to deeper, more profound levels, you glean peace, joy, wisdom, health, abundance, and knowing. These are the greatest rewards you could ever want.
Jean Walters is a Personal Growth Consultant and Coach, Akashic Reader, Author and teacher. You can reach her at jean@spiritualtransformation.com, 314 991 8439 website: http://www.spiritualtransformation.com Her books are available on Amazon.com
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