Tuesday, October 9, 2012
What would you do if you could not fail?
Blog: What Could You Do It You Couldn’t Fail?
Have you heard the story of the trial attorney who never lost a case? Early in his career, he was told to remember his feet. Thinking of his feet proved to be a way for him to always be centered. As a result, when he went to court he was always ready because he was always centered. He never lost his cool or reacted. In other words, he was consistently prepared for the surprises that regularly popped up during trials.
This is important because when we get angry or intense we go in to, or function from, the reptilian brain (emotional brain) and the logic closes down. Alternatively, when we stay centered and focused, we are open to inspiration, ideas, and solutions.
There are various ways to stay centered. For instance, people trained in the Marshal Arts learn to move and act from their center (or core). As they practice self-defense techniques, they develop balance, strength, and movement. But the most important thing they learn is how to stay centered.
The boxer, Evander Holyfield learned this lesson when he was young. As a kid he fought another boy and lost. He went home and told his mother. She said, “Go out there and fight him again.” He went out and battled the kid again and lost again. When he arrived home a second time, his mother said, “Go out there and fight him again.” Holyfield fought the kid four times. The fourth time he won. By that time, Holyfield had learned to remain cool and observe his opponent, discerning his weaknesses. Ultimately he used his developed observation skills to recognize the weaknesses in all his opponents. Holyfield developed the ability to use these to his advantage. In that way he transformed what was initially a fear reaction into a studied response. The result: he became a winner and champion.
Actor, Jim Carey poses another example of learning to stay centered. At age 14 he informed his dad that he wanted to be a professional comedian. Thus his father took him to a comedy club and Carey was laughed off the floor. Carey took on the criticism as a challenge. In other words, he used it to practice, practice, practice, while staying centered. The rest is history. His comedic movies are major box office hits; he is in demand and brings in lots of money. The rest is history.
Fear keeps you in the reptilian mode (reactive). It is hard to succeed when you are reacting.
If you think about the things that don’t work for you, you might discover the reason…. too much internal criticism, disempowering beliefs, and no centering. Alternatively, notice what works well for you and you might recognize that while doing those particular things you stay focused, relaxed, and have the courage to deal with whatever is necessary, even if it temporarily seems overwhelming In other words, you are non-reactive and functioning with full capacity. The bottom line is: What could you accomplish if you couldn’t fail? Get centered. You know, remember your feet and go for it!
Step Back to become the Observer
It has been said that we have two voices within us. The first one is the voice of truth. It comes to you subtly and offers suggestions. “Join that club.” “Go the new way to work today.” “Call that customer now.” “It is time to move to a new house or job.” “Study anthropology or journalism or whatever.” “Create your own business.”
When you follow the voice of truth your life is ever changing and you are continually growing. This inner voice will lead you down a path and, in time, you will discover, with delight, the answers to your desires plus the personal growth you require to appreciate this culmination.
The second voice is the voice of doubt and it will tell you things like, “Don’t join the club; you’re not good enough to do that.” “Stay on the same tried and true path. Change is scary.” “Don’t call the customer; put it off. He won’t buy anything anyway.” “Stay in the job. It is a sure thing.” “Stay in the house; moving to a new neighborhood is untenable.”
Whichever voice we listen to eventually gets louder. Sometimes we can no longer hear the other one. You can tell which voice you are listening to by noticing the quality of your life. Are you living a life of joy, freedom, expression? Or, does your life reflect fear, restriction, resignation, and the eternal quest for safety? Do you venture into discover and try new things or do you avoid change? One way evokes joy and expansion and the other fear and restriction.
One way to discover which voice you are listening to is to step back and become the observer. As you watch your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you begin to recognize which voice motivates you. Then, without recrimination or guilt you can make adjustments.
Another way to say this is that we are motivated by two things: fear and desire. Desire comes from the voice of truth and fear emanates from the second voice, the voice of ego. When people set out to do things, they proceed with one or the other voice urging them on. Example: I will stop and get my car gassed up because I enjoy the freedom to be able to travel wherever I want and a full gas tank affords me that. Or, I will stop and fill my gas tank because I am afraid of running out of gas. The first statement reflects joy and expansion and the second fear.
The voice of fear also shows itself in resistance. We can resist moving forward. The idea is that we want to keep the status quo and stay where we are because we are comfortable right here. The problem with that is that the Universe does not stay put. There is always movement and change. In fact, change is the only constant in life. Thus when you resist life, you are not going with the flow, you are resisting it.
Thus the suggestion is to become the “watcher” or observer of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and ask yourself “am I moving forward or resisting life?” Then decide for yourself which is the best approach for you.
Discover Serenity
In his book, A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle tells an ancient Sufi story about a king who occupied a Middle Eastern land. He was constantly vacillating between happiness and depression and despondency. He felt torn and stuck as the smallest thing would provoke some sort of intense reaction or upset. When he decided he couldn’t deal with his problem any longer, he sent for a wise man.
When the wise man arrives, the king told him, “I want to be like you. What can you give me that will help me have balance, serenity and wisdom? I am willing to pay whatever price you require.” (This kind of sounds like a lot of people I know. “Give me the magic pill and I will pay anything. Just don’t ask me to do the work.” Do you relate to this guy?)
The wise man replied that the price would be steep, quite possibly greater than your entire kingdom. The king accepted the terms. “Yes, I want it.” (So far, so good.)
The wise man went away to return a month later. At that time, he handed the king a beautiful jade box which held a simple gold ring. On the ring there was an engraving which read,”This too will pass.” (Now we get to the hard part.)
The king was irate. “What does this mean?”
The wise man offered, “Always wear this ring and no matter what happens, before you name it good or bad, touch this ring and read the inscription. That is how you will remain balanced and serene.” (In other words, he would have to give up judgment and drama and discipline his mind – a high price, indeed.)
So you can see that the price one must pay to remain balanced, wise and serene is to be willing to let go and remember that in this transience world, “this too will pass.” Many are not willing to pay this price of remembering this truth, opting instead to react to every little thing with drama, emotion, and intensity.
Of course, the idea behind the edit, “This too will pass,” is to become non-reactive and non-resistant to events. Things do happen and we can choose to react or not. We can experience goodness and expansiveness of life when we stay in the moment without resistance, simply accepting what is.
Thus I hand you an imaginary ring on which is inscribed, “This too will pass.” It is yours. Wear it in your heart because once you accept the transience of all things and the inevitability of change, your attachment to things minimizes. Instead of identifying with conditions and things, you let go and learn to flow with the present moment. I am describing the principle of non-attachment. It allows you to enjoy the pleasures of the material world while they last and without anxiety about the future.
Learning to be non-attached things, people and events helps you live a life of freedom and enlightenment. It opens a new dimension in your life. It is like having inner space. When you release control, choosing not to hold on to things as you want them to be, you are allowing movement and fluidity in your life.
With freedom comes the ability to connect with the stillness within – the deep “peace that passeth understanding.” You move out of your “chattering,” thinking mind to a deeper inner space of peace. You can honor the things of the world without giving them the importance they don’t really possess.
When you connect with your Inner Self and the peace that resides there, you can enjoy all things -- people, experiences, material things, without getting lost in them. (They no longer own you.)
Viewing the world from the point of view of the impermanence of form can make it a frightening place. That is when we despair over the loss of this or that. We clutter our minds with worry, anxiety, and past and future obsession. This is mental clutter that blocks out our Inner sense of peace (just like the king). Mental clutter consists of obsession over objects, things to do, things to think about, control, worry and anxiety. It is the clutter of continuous thoughts, one after the other. To move beyond this chaos, spend some time watching the night sky, observe a baby sleeping, listen to expansive music or pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing. These things take attention away from thinking and help you develop quietness.
When you are reacting and upset about an event, the real cause is NOT the event or person but a loss of perspective about what is happening. Spending time with yourself in the stillness can provide the perspective you need.
Symbols are the Way the Universe Speaks to Us
Dream interpretation is only one way to work with symbols. In actuality there are symbols present everyday and everywhere. A couple told me that they were looking to buy a piece of ground in anticipation of building a new home. As they walked the property, a hawk flew overhead and dropped a feather at their feet. This was a sign to them and they knew that this was to be their land and they consequently purchased it. (In the book Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews, the Hawk symbolizes vision and guardianship. Through its flight it communicates with humans and the Great Spirit {Universal Intelligence} and it awakens and inspires us to our creative life purpose.)
When the hawk appeared to the couple, they saw it as a sign of transformation. They were standing on open land with lots of trees and water. Living at that locale would certainly offer communion with nature and personal transformation.
Someone else had two accidents within a week while driving to work. He began to look at his attitude about his job and realized he did not want to be there. He did not enjoy what he was doing; it was not a true expression of who he was. Thus he proceeded to look for other employment, something that reflected his values. With the intention of being emotionally and spiritually aligned with his work, he found a job that suited who he was. Since then there has been clear sailing on his drive to work.
Another client told me about dozens of Praying Mathis that lived in her yard. According to American Indian lore, these insects symbolize the “power of stillness.” Thus, she felt reinforced in her meditation practice – “Be still and know that I am God.” Shortly after this sign appeared, she was driving north to her family homestead and there were dozens of hawks flying overhead. Since hawks represent “visionary power and guardianship,” she realized that she was being watched over and guided. Her job was to keep that space of stillness within so that the guidance could come through her.
There is power in symbols and life is filled with them. There are symbols everywhere. Buckminster Fuller, designer of the Geodesic Dome, said, “The Universe is talking to us all the time. We must learn to listen.” Paying attention to our lives and recognizing that the Universe speaks through everything that happens, we are encouraged to be receptive to the symbols that are present to guide and help us.
What symbols have shown up in your life?
Giving and Receiving Graciously
We are in the throes of the holiday season and facing the prospect of giving and receiving gifts. There are many learned people who have much to say about both. Here are a few quotes: “Those who give cheerfully give twice – once to others once to themselves.” Anonymous
“One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” Proverbs 11:24,
“To give is to receive, but only if one does not give in order to receive.” Wade Hudson
Years ago I learned this lesson. When you give a gift, offer it with love and without concern for how it is received. In other words, you have control over the giving but not the receiving. Give with an open heart and generosity of spirit.
The receiver is responsible for how he accepts the gift. Hopefully, he will receive graciously. This is true whether the gift is an object or a compliment. As author, Stuart Wilde says, if someone gives you a gift, perhaps a hideous tie, receive it. Later you can decide what to do with it. By putting yourself in a receiving state of mind you are instructing the Universe that you are ready and willing to receive. Whether it is a penny lying on the sidewalk, or a beautiful diamond, receive all gifts with gratitude. “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” Aesop
This brings to mind a story published in Guideposts Magazine about an 11 year old girl who asked to receive a stocking as tall as she was for Christmas. Her mom, told family and friends to buy small presents for “Mary Ann.” She wanted things that would fit into a Christmas stocking. Each item was to be wrapped individually.
On Christmas Eve, the designated time for opening gifts, Mary Ann’s father and brother went to the back room where the Christmas stockings were hung. There they found a huge red plush stocking with white plush trim across the top. They made a big show of lifting and carrying this enormous stocking (five feet tall by two feet wide) and delivering it to Mary Ann. It was stuffed with presents -- possibly 100 items, each wrapped to perfection. The most impressive part was Mary Ann’s expression as she opened each gift. “Oh, wow, this is exactly what I wanted.” Or, “This is my favorite thing in the world.” Each candy bar, hair barrette, comb, pair of socks, envelope of bubble bath and package of chewing gum was received with the same exuberance. As she reached the bottom of the stocking, she found her “big present” which was a birthstone ring. She received it with appreciation and the same enthusiasm as the other gifts. Yet, she was no more excited by it than all the other small gifts. She accepted each with equanimity. She felt she had received an incredible bounty. Remembering the excitement of this 11 year old on that Christmas Eve has become a family heirloom and retelling the story a holiday tradition.
It is true, we may not all receive diamond rings and new cars, but we do all receive bountiful gifts each and every day – a smile, a compliment, someone holding the door, a pat on the back, a beautiful sunset. As you graciously accept them, you are living the spirit of Christmas.
Words 558
Jean Walters is a St. Louis based Personal Growth Consultant specializing in personal empowerment. You can reach her at 314 991 8439 or jean@spiritualtransformation.com
“One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” Proverbs 11:24,
“To give is to receive, but only if one does not give in order to receive.” Wade Hudson
Years ago I learned this lesson. When you give a gift, offer it with love and without concern for how it is received. In other words, you have control over the giving but not the receiving. Give with an open heart and generosity of spirit.
The receiver is responsible for how he accepts the gift. Hopefully, he will receive graciously. This is true whether the gift is an object or a compliment. As author, Stuart Wilde says, if someone gives you a gift, perhaps a hideous tie, receive it. Later you can decide what to do with it. By putting yourself in a receiving state of mind you are instructing the Universe that you are ready and willing to receive. Whether it is a penny lying on the sidewalk, or a beautiful diamond, receive all gifts with gratitude. “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” Aesop
This brings to mind a story published in Guideposts Magazine about an 11 year old girl who asked to receive a stocking as tall as she was for Christmas. Her mom, told family and friends to buy small presents for “Mary Ann.” She wanted things that would fit into a Christmas stocking. Each item was to be wrapped individually.
On Christmas Eve, the designated time for opening gifts, Mary Ann’s father and brother went to the back room where the Christmas stockings were hung. There they found a huge red plush stocking with white plush trim across the top. They made a big show of lifting and carrying this enormous stocking (five feet tall by two feet wide) and delivering it to Mary Ann. It was stuffed with presents -- possibly 100 items, each wrapped to perfection. The most impressive part was Mary Ann’s expression as she opened each gift. “Oh, wow, this is exactly what I wanted.” Or, “This is my favorite thing in the world.” Each candy bar, hair barrette, comb, pair of socks, envelope of bubble bath and package of chewing gum was received with the same exuberance. As she reached the bottom of the stocking, she found her “big present” which was a birthstone ring. She received it with appreciation and the same enthusiasm as the other gifts. Yet, she was no more excited by it than all the other small gifts. She accepted each with equanimity. She felt she had received an incredible bounty. Remembering the excitement of this 11 year old on that Christmas Eve has become a family heirloom and retelling the story a holiday tradition.
It is true, we may not all receive diamond rings and new cars, but we do all receive bountiful gifts each and every day – a smile, a compliment, someone holding the door, a pat on the back, a beautiful sunset. As you graciously accept them, you are living the spirit of Christmas.
Words 558
Jean Walters is a St. Louis based Personal Growth Consultant specializing in personal empowerment. You can reach her at 314 991 8439 or jean@spiritualtransformation.com
personal growth,
Light Bulb or What you Don't Know Might be Good!
It has been said that ignorance is bliss. This might refer to the openness people experience when they are unaware that they are not supposed to be able to do what they plan on doing. Here is an example of what I mean.
In the early 1900s Thomas Edison was credited with inventing the light bulb but he was not the one who brought it to the marketplace and the world. He simply developed the original light bulb, which didn’t last long, or give much light and was unseemly expensive. It was actually William David Coolidge who followed Edison’s inventiveness with seven years research of his own. Coolidge perfected the filament, making it usable for the public. He succeeded where Edison didn’t because he used tungsten for the filament. His application of tungsten went against scientific opinion of that time, which declared tungsten to be insufficiently malleable, thereby unusable. Coolidge considered it an advantage that he was not privy to this knowledge up front, for it would have made his task impossible. Coolidge’s great equalizer was that he believed he could make the light bulb practical for every day use and he did.
Movie Star-Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it – as long as you really believe 100 percent.”
Robert Collins accepted this idea as well. He said, “There is nothing on earth you cannot have – once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.”
What is your desire? Are you willing to believe in its attainment 100 percent? If not, what can you do to elevate your belief and move you in the right direction? You can study more, do research, try harder, gain experiment, build skills, hang-out with people who do believe. All of these increase your potential for success.
Review in your mind your past accomplishments. What was it that allowed you to be successful? There is an energy within each of us that creates drive and tenacity. Try to tap into this energy. Work with it to accomplish your daily goals. In time, you will trust that this energy is present for you to use all the time.
It is true that there is a bigger picture for you and with each success you build the self trust you need in the same manner as William David Coolidge.
Kindness as a Path to Personal Transformation
“If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.” Dalia Lama
The ancient philosopher Philo of Alexandria (20AD – 50 AD) spoke similarly: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” It is often difficult for us to recognize that each person has his/her own challenges. We can become so engulfed in our own issues we forget to acknowledge the people around us.
When times seem tough, there is a tendency to pull back into one’s own world and as one does that, he becomes smaller, his energy field constricts. It is the same with victimhood. When we identify with what is not working and immerse ourselves in struggle, we can easily forget that others have pain as well. Soon our world is quite tiny.
We must guard against isolation for it diminishes us. We are constructed to allow energy to flow through us and we cannot do that when isolated. We are healthier when we allow energy to flow and express – give it away. We have more love, when we give it away.
The way to reverse the process of isolation and restriction is through kindness, gentleness, gratitude and love. Each of these expands energy. When you are feeling stuck, a simple act of kindness will move your attention from your small world to an expanded consciousness.
A Hebrew holy book states that “The secret to happiness is giving.” Often people think they have not given unless the gift is substantial. (A million dollars to develop a hospital wing). Yet, the truth is that every small gift matters and can change lives for each act has a ripple effect. If someone treats you with kindness and compassion, your tendency is to do the same to others. Kindness inspired kindness.
Lena Horne said that she really didn’t become a successful human being until she took time to be kinder to everyone. In her words, “it was my responsibility to remove my own chip from my own shoulder. When I did, the world became a sweeter place and great success professional and personal, followed.”
To seek personal expansion and transformation, we must also remove the chip from our own shoulder and release our obsession with personal struggles. As we extend ourselves, our world not only expands but brightens. We are now truly in the Light.
Kindness can be skill we cultivate until it becomes natural. It can be as simple as waiting graciously while others are served, or smiling at strangers. Notice the opportunities that are presented to be kind. Can you hold open a door for someone struggling with packages? Say a kind word; express encouragement; do something above and beyond your duty?
George H W Bush said, “American is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.”
Kindness is the soul's path out of loneliness to a destination of jo9y. Make it a commitment.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Processional Caterpillars
Processional Caterpillars eat pine needles. They move through the trees in a long procession, one leading and the rest following behind. Each one, his eyes half-closed, fits snugly against the rear of his predecessor.
A French naturalist, experimented with a group of these caterpillars. He successfully enticed them to the rim of a large pot and eventually connected the first one in the line to the last one, thus forming a circle with neither beginning nor end. He fully expected that after a time, they would figure out the joke, get tired of their futile march and head off in a new direction. But they didn’t.
Through force of habit, the creeping circle of caterpillars kept moving around the rim of the pot. Round and round they went, keeping the same relentless pace for seven days and nights and probably would not have stopped then were it not for exhaustion and starvation.
Incidentally, there was an large visible supply of food near by, but it not within the range of the circle they walked, so the caterpillars didn’t get to it. Instead they followed their habit, custom, tradition, precedent, past experience, “standard operating procedure” blindly, one behind the other, until they died. They interpreted activity for accomplishment. They meant well, but got no where.
Which of your habits, traditions, procedures, methods, customs are getting you no where? Are you ready to open your eyes and notice what you’re doing and where you’re going?
If you are covering the same territory, learning the same lessons, and not progressing, it might be time to choose a different route, pattern, or goal.
Resistance to change, holding outdated opinions, staying on the beaten path because that’s what you’ve always done can lead to a lifeless redundancy and stagnation.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Right or Wrong?
My husband and I are continually fighting about the stupidest things. When it’s over, I am angry at myself for getting hooked in another right-wrong battle. I need a new strategy? I want peace! Conflicted
Dear Conflicted: You have a common relationship problem. Right-Wrong thinking and the accompanying competition are ego issues. It works like this, “I’m right, therefore, you’re wrong”. Both people want the last word (to be right). The more you want to win, the easier it is to be hooked into debating. Ask yourself why it matters who’s right or wrong and you’ll discover your ego issue. (You can only work on your issue, not his.) Also, is being right more important than experiencing harmony in the relationship? If so, you’ve made a poor choice. Being right can often relate to being alone. Who wants to do battle over every little issue?
Look closely! Both of you want validation and neither will give it. Try this instead, next time the “disagreement” occurs, face your spouse and tell him, “You’re right”. The truth is you both have a right to your opinion and one person’s idea doesn’t invalidate or supersede the other. Of course, if there is never agreement, the marriage is probably in jeopardy anyway, but it never works to force your ideas on others.
When you focus on your personal self and being right, instead of what is good for all, you are working from ego. Ego demands attention and doesn’t care what the cost is in getting it. Instead, honor your individuality by allowing both to be right. Accept your differences and each one’s right to his viewpoint. Thus you release conflict and allow peace to move into the relationship.
Broaden this practice by saying to everyone, “you’re right”. The driver who passes you waving his fist and cursing – “You’re right”. The crabby friend / relative who phones to rail against someone – “You’re right”. The disgruntled employee / boss / sales clerk -- “You’re right”. Then go about your business. Life is not a consensus. You don’t need permission to think what you want. Meanwhile, persist in expressing your highest regard for each person. Continue to give love, understanding, and compassion rather than a small black-white perspective of right versus wrong and the ledger keeping score. Guess what! You’re free!! Enjoy!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Everyone has Genius
Look for my next class which will be: Mediation, Dreams and Psychic Ability. In this class I will help you develop a grat meditation practice as well as techniques for working with your dreams (Yes, they are important and filled with wisdom). And I will help you develop stronger psychic and intuitive abilities. These are most important in learning how to be in harmony with our Greater Intelligence - the Universe. They will save you much pain, struggle and anguish as you use these amazing tools. I will send you the info on this class later in June and it will start in July. If you can't make all the classes, don't worry, I will email you the information covered.
Lastly, please note the information on the 52 Weeks email class: How to Make the Connection to Spirit and Joy and Change your Life Forever. It is a gentle, step-by-step approaching to developing your own Spiritual practice that moves you into a non-resistant, non-judgment, peaceful state that creates a life of joy and freedom.
Feeling Stuck
Dear JW: For the past few years, I’ve been extremely unhappy about certain issues in my life but I never seem to take action to change these. Constantly struggling with “stuck” feelings, it seems I’ll be trapped in this unhappiness forever. How do I eliminate my block and make these important changes? Trapped
Dear Trapped: It is hard to help you eliminate your block without knowing more about your situation but I believe I can safely say, that what keeps you stuck is a conflict in your beliefs.
For instance, if you are unhappy in a relationship but feel it is wrong to leave, you are at odds with yourself. Or, if you are not stimulated or happy in your business but consider it a sign of failure to close it, you are in conflict. Or, if you think you must save all your money but feel that you’re missing out on life by not providing yourself experiences, again you are pulling against yourself.
When our personal needs (love, stimulation, connection, peace) promote one kinds of activity and our long-held beliefs push us toward another, we are in trouble and most likely STUCK.
At some point, you must examine your beliefs and determine if they are helping you or hurting you. The interesting thing about beliefs is they can be changed.
Most of our beliefs have been formed from misinterpretation of events. For instance, you may have been reprimanded for dripping ice cream on your shirt as a child and there after decide that eating ice cream is bad. Or, you may have heard someone vehemently rail against a segment of society (wealthy people, a particular race or ethnic group), and decided that “those” people are all bad. This prejudice will remain until you re-examine your interpretation, recognize your error, and change your belief to something more healthy and expansive.
Is ice cream bad? Are various socio-economic or ethnic groups any better or worse than anyone else? What do you think? What do you believe? What is the truth?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Faith, Belief, Knowing!
“Believe you can and you can.” Norman Vincent Peale
Henry David Thoreau often indicated that belief in an enterprise is the one thing fundamental to its success. So if you have a goal, believe that you can attain it. Believe that you are, even now, in the process of attainment.
There are many stories of people who had come up from poverty to achieve great success in life. One is from a woman whose family was so poor that people often brought them food baskets. As a little girl, she was so humiliated that her father couldn’t support the family that she would hide and cry bitterly. But that is when she created the goal that helped her become successful. Poverty can be a great motivator. It has probably made more people than any other one factor.
James Cash Penney, the great merchant, was the seventh of 12 children. He was only eight years old when he started raising pigs to earn money for his clothes. He said that one of his great motivators was adversity. He went explained that adversity taught him to never give up, always start over, keep his faith strong, and realize that adversity makes a person strong.
There was a fellow named, Al Haake, who suffered from acute stuttering. Children laughed at him in school. They called him out in baseball games, just to hear him stutter. It was demoralizing. Then one afternoon, Haake heard a US senator speak. He said, “Look, you can do anything you want to do, if you believe in your self.”
Al Haake wanted to believe he could speak clearly. Thus he began putting pebbles in his mouth because he had read that a man named
Demosthenes did that. Ultimately, Haake became a great speaker. He was employed by General Motors Corporation to speak throughout the country. He held people spellbound by his clarity, articulation, message and beauty of speech.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Disciplined Focus Creates a New Direction
In Quantum Physics, everything exists as sub-atomic particles … ENERGY. When the mind contemplates an idea, it gives definition and solidity to the idea. Because we exist in a quantum energy field (Einstein called it “the Unified Field”), as you think, you give off signals, at a subatomic level of energy that actually defines and solidifies your idea. In other words, there is power in imagination.
Mahatma Ghandi said, “To create a change, you must become it.” Wilma Rudolph, the Olympic athlete who won three gold medals, was a example of the power of imagination. Rudolph said, “I love the freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I’m competing with is me.” The freedom of running allowed Rudolph’s imagination to soar.
Rudolph was born prematurely, her survival doubtful. At age four, she contracted double pneumonia and scarlet fever, which left her with a paralyzed left leg. She was told she would never walk again. At 9, she took off the metal brace; she had depended on, and began walking without it. By age 13, she had developed a rhythmic walk, which was considered a miracle. That same year she decided to become a runner. Even though every race she entered, she came in last and everyone told her to quit, she didn’t. Eventually, she won a race, and then another. Soon she won every race she entered and went on to win three Olympic gold medals. Wilma Rudolph said, “My mother taught me very early to believe I could achieve anything I wanted. The first was to walk without braces.”
Wilma Rudolph used the power of her mind to achieve her goals -- belief in self, willingness to try, determination to keep going, and imagination to define and solidify her goals. She said, “I love the freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I’m competing with is me.” If we understand that the only person we are competing with is ourselves, our competition can be one of joy and deliberateness.
We all have the same power that Rudolph used to achieve her goals. Yet the discipline to direct it is a choice. Most use the power of their minds negatively. They jump from one dilemma to another captivated with the excitement of drama. They live in constant distraction. But there are others, like Wilma Rudolph, who focuses on what they want and accomplish it.
You can do the same. It takes discipline. Start by setting a time daily for creative visualization. Ask yourself, if I could have what I wanted, what would it look like? Then contemplate that “new” situation for 5-10 minutes.
Each day you are defining and solidifying a “new” direction. As opportunities appear (a race), willingly grasp them and go for the gold. You may not win the first the first time out, but in time, your mind, will and determination will be strong, and you’ll go all the way to victory. Knowing that the only person you are competing with is yourself, our competition can be one of joy and deliberateness.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Vision is Intelligence and Imagination
There are many ways to look at a given event. The point of view you choose says more about you than it does about the event. For instance, there were people who said that if man were meant to fly, he would have been born with wings. Yet man’s capacity for flight has never been bound or determined by having or not having wings. Why? Because we have something more valuable and far-reaching than wings…we have intelligence, creativity and imagination.
In 1943, Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM said, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” In this instance, Watson lacked vision. There will always be people who under-estimate man’s capabilities. The important thing to note is that we don’t have to accept their limitations.
On an individual basis, people make the same mistake….they under-estimate themselves; they under-estimate their creativity, intelligence, and imagination. The truth is that anything you can imagine, you can be or achieve.
Bill Gates certainly wasn’t deterred by Thomas Watson’s limited vision when he set a goal to put a computer in every home. His vision and determination fit the world’s need far better than Watson’s did.
If you were to objectively look back at your life and consider all you’ve been done and experienced, you would probably be amazed and admit that you wouldn’t have thought it possible. Examples: relocated, career achievement, community recognition, level of salary and/or education, survived accidents, divorce, illness, raised children. Everyone has managed events and circumstances far beyond what they thought they could. All of this has happened because they have resources that far exceed their understanding. Innately, you know how to be strong, inventive, responsive, creative, focused and determined. You’ve pulled these qualities out whenever it was necessary.
Everyone has imagination and intelligence. Pay attention to your self limiting statements (self talk). Perhaps you are capable of more than you think. Perhaps It is time to acknowledge your own creativity.
The saying is, “There are no precedents in the Universe”. This means that just because something has not been created, accomplished or experienced yet, does not mean that it can’t be. The world comes up with new inventions, discoveries, methods, and cures daily.
Oprah Winfrey has said, “The Universe had a greater plan for me than I had for myself”. This is really true for everyone – including you!
In 1943, Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM said, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” In this instance, Watson lacked vision. There will always be people who under-estimate man’s capabilities. The important thing to note is that we don’t have to accept their limitations.
On an individual basis, people make the same mistake….they under-estimate themselves; they under-estimate their creativity, intelligence, and imagination. The truth is that anything you can imagine, you can be or achieve.
Bill Gates certainly wasn’t deterred by Thomas Watson’s limited vision when he set a goal to put a computer in every home. His vision and determination fit the world’s need far better than Watson’s did.
If you were to objectively look back at your life and consider all you’ve been done and experienced, you would probably be amazed and admit that you wouldn’t have thought it possible. Examples: relocated, career achievement, community recognition, level of salary and/or education, survived accidents, divorce, illness, raised children. Everyone has managed events and circumstances far beyond what they thought they could. All of this has happened because they have resources that far exceed their understanding. Innately, you know how to be strong, inventive, responsive, creative, focused and determined. You’ve pulled these qualities out whenever it was necessary.
Everyone has imagination and intelligence. Pay attention to your self limiting statements (self talk). Perhaps you are capable of more than you think. Perhaps It is time to acknowledge your own creativity.
The saying is, “There are no precedents in the Universe”. This means that just because something has not been created, accomplished or experienced yet, does not mean that it can’t be. The world comes up with new inventions, discoveries, methods, and cures daily.
Oprah Winfrey has said, “The Universe had a greater plan for me than I had for myself”. This is really true for everyone – including you!
no limits,
no precedents,
Opray Winfrey,
Small Minded and Critics: Are you killing inspiration?
There are professional reputation smashers, sometimes referred to as “the Old Grump next door.” No matter what you can do, they can do it better. If you sing, they sing better (even though they can’t sing). If you dance, they dance better (even though they can’t dance). If you coach a hockey team, they can do it better (even though they know nothing of hockey). Whatever it is, they know more than you, even though they are vacant of knowledge and experience, and have no clue. And since they make assessments without understanding, it shouldn’t be particularly surprising that their judgment is inaccurate. Whether they are critiquing the works of genius or praising the truly awful, these Critics tend toward error an inordinate amount of the time. Nevertheless, they possess tremendous influence. And that influence is behind the tragic loss of much that would have benefited to the world.
Chinese philosopher, Chuang-tse describes the small mindedness of the Critics in his story about a know-it-all quail. In China there is a great bird known as the P’eng. Its back, broad as a mountain range, extends to support expansive wings, which sweep the sky like clouds. In flight it rises powerfully like a whirlwind penetrating the high mist and majestically soars into the heavens.
As the P’eng glides smoothly, effortlessly on its way to the sea, a quail in the marsh gazes up and laughs. “What does that bird think it is doing?” The quail exclaims, “I leap, fly a few feet and descend again; I flutter busily among the bushes, jumping from here to there and back again. That is what flying is for! Who is that creature trying to fool?”
Thus it is that the small-minded, lacking knowledge and perspective, cannot lift their vision to comprehend greatness, anymore than the words of a fool can equal the depth of a wise one, or the experience of a few years can equal that of many.
Remember this when the voice of inspiration speaks to you and you recognize that it is time to step beyond past limitations because something greater beckons you. The creative among us can discern true art, the visionary can ascertain direction, and the small-minded will stand back in their safe domain and condemn.
Where do you see yourself? Is it time to step into a vaster experience? Or would you choose to risk nothing to stay safe and small?
Chinese philosopher, Chuang-tse describes the small mindedness of the Critics in his story about a know-it-all quail. In China there is a great bird known as the P’eng. Its back, broad as a mountain range, extends to support expansive wings, which sweep the sky like clouds. In flight it rises powerfully like a whirlwind penetrating the high mist and majestically soars into the heavens.
As the P’eng glides smoothly, effortlessly on its way to the sea, a quail in the marsh gazes up and laughs. “What does that bird think it is doing?” The quail exclaims, “I leap, fly a few feet and descend again; I flutter busily among the bushes, jumping from here to there and back again. That is what flying is for! Who is that creature trying to fool?”
Thus it is that the small-minded, lacking knowledge and perspective, cannot lift their vision to comprehend greatness, anymore than the words of a fool can equal the depth of a wise one, or the experience of a few years can equal that of many.
Remember this when the voice of inspiration speaks to you and you recognize that it is time to step beyond past limitations because something greater beckons you. The creative among us can discern true art, the visionary can ascertain direction, and the small-minded will stand back in their safe domain and condemn.
Where do you see yourself? Is it time to step into a vaster experience? Or would you choose to risk nothing to stay safe and small?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Believe in Self
Championship golfer, Arnold Palmer has never flaunted his success. Although he has won hundreds of trophies and awards, the only trophy in his office is a bettered little cup that he got for his first professional win at the Canadian Open in 1955.
In addition to the cup, he has a lone framed plaque on the wall. The plaque tells you why he has been successful on and off the golf course. It reads:
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win but think you can’t,
It’s almost certain that you won’t.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger woman or man,
But sooner or later, those who win
Are those who think they can.
Arnold Palmer isn’t alone in his determination to believe in himself. Here are some other notable sources: “If you believe you can do a thing, you can do it.” Claude M. Bristol and “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford.
If you have ever watched a baby learn to walk, you see an undaunted spirit pushing forward. Something within the infant wants to expand his capabilities. It is probably not thought out so much as it is an inner urge to try something new, put his foot out and attempt to balance on his wobbly legs. His effort is doubled and quadrupled and repeated a hundred times. Gravity works against him, pulling him down in another failed effort. Yet he prevails and pulls himself up again. The baby can either enjoy his efforts or become discouraged and unhappy. Either way he continues on until one day his legs are strong, his body finds balance and he can walk. Success at last!
In much the same way, you can observe an eagle in its natural habitat? Watch it taking off, its powerful wings beating the air as it increases height. Nothing can hold it back. Once more, it is the spirit of the eagle expressing itself -- undaunted, undefeatable.
Palmer, Bristol, Ford, the baby and eagle – all expressing the same thing. You have that same spirit. If you allow your mind to be filled with good things, you remain young, strong, undaunted like an eagle. You are able to soar higher and higher from goal to goal. Believe in yourself! Be an eagle!
“The barrier between failure and success is not something which exists in the real world; it is composed purely and simply of doubts about your ability.” Mark Caine
In addition to the cup, he has a lone framed plaque on the wall. The plaque tells you why he has been successful on and off the golf course. It reads:
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win but think you can’t,
It’s almost certain that you won’t.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger woman or man,
But sooner or later, those who win
Are those who think they can.
Arnold Palmer isn’t alone in his determination to believe in himself. Here are some other notable sources: “If you believe you can do a thing, you can do it.” Claude M. Bristol and “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford.
If you have ever watched a baby learn to walk, you see an undaunted spirit pushing forward. Something within the infant wants to expand his capabilities. It is probably not thought out so much as it is an inner urge to try something new, put his foot out and attempt to balance on his wobbly legs. His effort is doubled and quadrupled and repeated a hundred times. Gravity works against him, pulling him down in another failed effort. Yet he prevails and pulls himself up again. The baby can either enjoy his efforts or become discouraged and unhappy. Either way he continues on until one day his legs are strong, his body finds balance and he can walk. Success at last!
In much the same way, you can observe an eagle in its natural habitat? Watch it taking off, its powerful wings beating the air as it increases height. Nothing can hold it back. Once more, it is the spirit of the eagle expressing itself -- undaunted, undefeatable.
Palmer, Bristol, Ford, the baby and eagle – all expressing the same thing. You have that same spirit. If you allow your mind to be filled with good things, you remain young, strong, undaunted like an eagle. You are able to soar higher and higher from goal to goal. Believe in yourself! Be an eagle!
“The barrier between failure and success is not something which exists in the real world; it is composed purely and simply of doubts about your ability.” Mark Caine
Sunday, February 26, 2012
We are all Part of the Revolution
World renown author and self improvement expert, Wayne Dyer, mentioned during a recent seminar that the Spiritual teacher, Madame Blavatsky, made a prediction in the early 1900s that in the last 25 years of this century there would be a profound world-wide spiritual revolution that would create profound changes in the consciousness of all people.
As the times unfolded, in the later part of the 1900s we learned of an event called the Harmonic Convergence, which constituted a shift to Higher Energy in the world. I remember the day the Harmonic Convergence was to have begun (in the mid 80s). I was filed with energy that day. It was a noticeable shift for me and I was washing windows and zooming around my house with the abundant energy I was feeling. I believe that this elevation in energy was the beginning of the transformation that Blavatsky spoke of in her writings.
Another interesting note is that Blavatsky predicted that the leaders in this transformation would be ordinary people. Thus we see folks like Marianne Williamson, a former nightclub singer; Wayne Dyer, a former school teacher; Zig Ziglar, a former preacher; Brian Tracy, a salesman teaching and reaching the multitudes in new ways of thinking and being.
It is my thought that we are all teachers for as we move through life, we leave our energy and touch on all the people around us. When we approach life from the point of view of unconditional love, non-judgment, openness, and forgiveness we create a profound effect in the world. We are literally changing our lives and the energy in which all people function. It is like releasing drops of pink dye in the universal sea of energy in which we live. As enough people release their love, the sea begins takes on a new hue. It is a fascinating change that is happening.
As the times unfolded, in the later part of the 1900s we learned of an event called the Harmonic Convergence, which constituted a shift to Higher Energy in the world. I remember the day the Harmonic Convergence was to have begun (in the mid 80s). I was filed with energy that day. It was a noticeable shift for me and I was washing windows and zooming around my house with the abundant energy I was feeling. I believe that this elevation in energy was the beginning of the transformation that Blavatsky spoke of in her writings.
Another interesting note is that Blavatsky predicted that the leaders in this transformation would be ordinary people. Thus we see folks like Marianne Williamson, a former nightclub singer; Wayne Dyer, a former school teacher; Zig Ziglar, a former preacher; Brian Tracy, a salesman teaching and reaching the multitudes in new ways of thinking and being.
It is my thought that we are all teachers for as we move through life, we leave our energy and touch on all the people around us. When we approach life from the point of view of unconditional love, non-judgment, openness, and forgiveness we create a profound effect in the world. We are literally changing our lives and the energy in which all people function. It is like releasing drops of pink dye in the universal sea of energy in which we live. As enough people release their love, the sea begins takes on a new hue. It is a fascinating change that is happening.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Become the Observer in Life
It has been said that we have two voices within us. The first one is the voice of truth. It comes to you subtly and offers suggestions. “Join that club.” “Go the new way to work today.” “Call that customer now.” “It is time to move to a new house or job.” “Study anthropology or journalism or whatever.” “Create your own business.”
When you follow the voice of truth your life is ever changing and you are continually growing. This inner voice will lead you down a path and, in time, you will discover, with delight, the answers to your desires plus the personal growth you require to appreciate this culmination.
The second voice is the voice of doubt and it will tell you things like, “Don’t join the club; you’re not good enough to do that.” “Stay on the same tried and true path. Change is scary.” “Don’t call the customer; put it off. He won’t buy anything anyway.” “Stay in the job. It is a sure thing.” “Stay in the house; moving to a new neighborhood is untenable.”
Whichever voice we listen to eventually gets louder. Sometimes we can no longer hear the other one. You can tell which voice you are listening to by noticing the quality of your life. Are you living a life of joy, freedom, expression? Or, does your life reflect fear, restriction, resignation, and the eternal quest for safety? Do you venture into discover and try new things or do you avoid change? One way evokes joy and expansion and the other fear and restriction.
One way to discover which voice you are listening to is to step back and become the observer. As you watch your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you begin to recognize which voice motivates you. Then, without recrimination or guilt you can make adjustments.
Another way to say this is that we are motivated by two things: fear and desire. Desire comes from the voice of truth and fear emanates from the second voice, the voice of ego. When people set out to do things, they proceed with one or the other voice urging them on. Example: I will stop and get my car gassed up because I enjoy the freedom to be able to travel wherever I want and a full gas tank affords me that. Or, I will stop and fill my gas tank because I am afraid of running out of gas. The first statement reflects joy and expansion and the second fear.
The voice of fear also shows itself in resistance. We can resist moving forward. The idea is that we want to keep the status quo and stay where we are because we are comfortable right here. The problem with that is that the Universe does not stay put. There is always movement and change. In fact, change is the only constant in life. Thus when you resist life, you are not going with the flow, you are resisting it.
Thus the suggestion is to become the “watcher” or observer of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and ask yourself “am I moving forward or resisting life?” Then decide for yourself which is the best approach for you.
When you follow the voice of truth your life is ever changing and you are continually growing. This inner voice will lead you down a path and, in time, you will discover, with delight, the answers to your desires plus the personal growth you require to appreciate this culmination.
The second voice is the voice of doubt and it will tell you things like, “Don’t join the club; you’re not good enough to do that.” “Stay on the same tried and true path. Change is scary.” “Don’t call the customer; put it off. He won’t buy anything anyway.” “Stay in the job. It is a sure thing.” “Stay in the house; moving to a new neighborhood is untenable.”
Whichever voice we listen to eventually gets louder. Sometimes we can no longer hear the other one. You can tell which voice you are listening to by noticing the quality of your life. Are you living a life of joy, freedom, expression? Or, does your life reflect fear, restriction, resignation, and the eternal quest for safety? Do you venture into discover and try new things or do you avoid change? One way evokes joy and expansion and the other fear and restriction.
One way to discover which voice you are listening to is to step back and become the observer. As you watch your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you begin to recognize which voice motivates you. Then, without recrimination or guilt you can make adjustments.
Another way to say this is that we are motivated by two things: fear and desire. Desire comes from the voice of truth and fear emanates from the second voice, the voice of ego. When people set out to do things, they proceed with one or the other voice urging them on. Example: I will stop and get my car gassed up because I enjoy the freedom to be able to travel wherever I want and a full gas tank affords me that. Or, I will stop and fill my gas tank because I am afraid of running out of gas. The first statement reflects joy and expansion and the second fear.
The voice of fear also shows itself in resistance. We can resist moving forward. The idea is that we want to keep the status quo and stay where we are because we are comfortable right here. The problem with that is that the Universe does not stay put. There is always movement and change. In fact, change is the only constant in life. Thus when you resist life, you are not going with the flow, you are resisting it.
Thus the suggestion is to become the “watcher” or observer of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and ask yourself “am I moving forward or resisting life?” Then decide for yourself which is the best approach for you.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Breaking down Barriers
Pilot, Chuck Yaeger broke the sound barrier in his experimental bell X-1 plane in October, 1947. When he landed his plane, reporters asked him what it was like to be the first man to break the sound barrier. Yaeger replied that just before the barrier was broken, his plane experienced loud noise and violet shaking. After, there was an eerie quiet.
This description made me realize that whenever we are breaking a barrier in our lives, the preceding sense of chaos (shaking of our world) can be experienced as scary or a prelude to the fact that we are breaking into new, un-charted territory. Can you look back in your life and recognize this change point? Did you address it with awe or fear or maybe a bit of each?
When we ask for something new to manifest in our lives, we are, in effect, breaking into new territory or from our frame of reference breaking our own sound barrier. No doubt we might experience chaos before the dawn breaks into new life. You are leaving behind the old to establish something new. Are you shaking on the inside? If it seems like chaos, it could be a sign that it is working. That is when “staying- power” really counts. Or, do you run when the chaos begins?
It takes courage and willingness to stay with your process. Does the end result seem worth it? If not there is hesitancy. If what you are shooting for is unclear to you, then step back and ask yourself, what is this all about?
People come to me all the time wanting a new career or relationship experience. Often they don’t realize that when you want to break through an old barrier of doing things the way they have always been done, there is a certain soul-searching requirement at hand.
What is it you truly want – greater expression, freedom, connection, peace or joy? Decide ahead of time what it is you seek. This will give you the vision and supply the determination to keep going. Any time you are breaking through a barrier, you are entering the unknown. (It is unknown territory to you.) Are you ready; is your vision clear; do you really want this? If you answer in the affirmative, you just might be ready to proceed.
This description made me realize that whenever we are breaking a barrier in our lives, the preceding sense of chaos (shaking of our world) can be experienced as scary or a prelude to the fact that we are breaking into new, un-charted territory. Can you look back in your life and recognize this change point? Did you address it with awe or fear or maybe a bit of each?
When we ask for something new to manifest in our lives, we are, in effect, breaking into new territory or from our frame of reference breaking our own sound barrier. No doubt we might experience chaos before the dawn breaks into new life. You are leaving behind the old to establish something new. Are you shaking on the inside? If it seems like chaos, it could be a sign that it is working. That is when “staying- power” really counts. Or, do you run when the chaos begins?
It takes courage and willingness to stay with your process. Does the end result seem worth it? If not there is hesitancy. If what you are shooting for is unclear to you, then step back and ask yourself, what is this all about?
People come to me all the time wanting a new career or relationship experience. Often they don’t realize that when you want to break through an old barrier of doing things the way they have always been done, there is a certain soul-searching requirement at hand.
What is it you truly want – greater expression, freedom, connection, peace or joy? Decide ahead of time what it is you seek. This will give you the vision and supply the determination to keep going. Any time you are breaking through a barrier, you are entering the unknown. (It is unknown territory to you.) Are you ready; is your vision clear; do you really want this? If you answer in the affirmative, you just might be ready to proceed.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Humor Lightens Burdens
Humor Lightens Burdens
There is almost nothing more indispensable, when dealing with people, than humor. Having humor doesn’t particularly mean cracking jokes. Humor is the ability to experience setbacks, yet comprehend that that the world has not come to an end.
When you don’t take yourself or your situation too seriously, you’ll do better in any and all endeavors. There is always something (in every situation) to laugh about. Often it is YOU. A smiling, cheerful leader conveys more confidence and wins more cooperation than a negative, gloomy one.
When you maintain equilibrium, a sense of proportion and humor in a crisis it encourages others to trust and rely on you. Because they respect your calm, they ultimately demonstrate better performance, loyalty and appreciation.
Contributing calm is far better than adding energy to confusion. This can be as simple as willingness to hold a positive view and smiling.
Abraham Lincoln serves as a great example of leadership under pressure. In one tension filled moment he said, “Gentlemen, why don’t you laugh? With the fearful strain that is upon me night and day, if I did not laugh, I should die.” Like Lincoln, most of us have discovered, humor is the way to relieve stress.
Even though some problems are serious, it doesn’t help to exaggerate their implications. Take yourself and the world a bit more lightly and not only will your circumstances improve, but you’ll have more to be happy about. The saying is: “The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.” Both are easier managed with humor.
The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything. There is a Buddhist saying, “Laughter is the language of the Gods.”
Poet and essayist, W. H. Auden, alleged “Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: All of them make me laugh.”
There is almost nothing more indispensable, when dealing with people, than humor. Having humor doesn’t particularly mean cracking jokes. Humor is the ability to experience setbacks, yet comprehend that that the world has not come to an end.
When you don’t take yourself or your situation too seriously, you’ll do better in any and all endeavors. There is always something (in every situation) to laugh about. Often it is YOU. A smiling, cheerful leader conveys more confidence and wins more cooperation than a negative, gloomy one.
When you maintain equilibrium, a sense of proportion and humor in a crisis it encourages others to trust and rely on you. Because they respect your calm, they ultimately demonstrate better performance, loyalty and appreciation.
Contributing calm is far better than adding energy to confusion. This can be as simple as willingness to hold a positive view and smiling.
Abraham Lincoln serves as a great example of leadership under pressure. In one tension filled moment he said, “Gentlemen, why don’t you laugh? With the fearful strain that is upon me night and day, if I did not laugh, I should die.” Like Lincoln, most of us have discovered, humor is the way to relieve stress.
Even though some problems are serious, it doesn’t help to exaggerate their implications. Take yourself and the world a bit more lightly and not only will your circumstances improve, but you’ll have more to be happy about. The saying is: “The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.” Both are easier managed with humor.
The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything. There is a Buddhist saying, “Laughter is the language of the Gods.”
Poet and essayist, W. H. Auden, alleged “Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: All of them make me laugh.”
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Every experience is a blessing!
Many people are confused about compassion. They get it mixed up with feeling sorry for someone. Actually compassion is much bigger than that. It is a spiritual principle that allows us to identify with our Source-God.
Scientist and workshop leader, Gregg Braden, tells a story that came directly out of the newly discovered Essence scrolls. It relates a story concerning Jesus traveling to a small village where he was approached by a woman who had experienced leprosy all her life. In fact, she had leprosy prior to birth, while in the womb.
She asked Jesus to help her. She pleaded, “I have never had a friend or a man or even a pet because I am so ugly. Please release me from this condition.”
As the story goes Jesus responded with two questions. “Do you believe in me and the Father that sent me?” She relied that she did. The next question was “What have you learned from your disease?”
To this query she became upset. “I haven’t learned anything from it. I haven’t had a friend, a man, or a pet because I am so repulsive. I have been unloved because of this disease.”
With that Jesus replied that he could not heal her because she had not received the blessing from her illness. In this instance, he was responding with compassion. Without learning froman experience, you are doomed to repeat it.
We are here to learn from every experience. When you choose to be a victim of circumstances instead of learning from and through them, you have not completed the experience. The lesson has not been learned. You are essentially relegating yourself to repeat it until you “get it.”
We often see this with people who marry the same spouse (in different forms) repeatedly. Or when you move into a job situation where the same tyrannical boss resides (in different forms) or you continue to feel unappreciated in various circumstances.
What you might ask is what could one learn from having a debilitating disease like leprosy? It would seem that there are many opportunities to learn. One important lesson would be to not judge by appearances or to offer love to any and all people regardless of circumstances. Perhaps it is to recognize when you have allowed yourself to be a victim rather than a victor. Could we use our circumstances to become an advocate for others?
It has been proven that when a person lives life from the point of view and energy of love, his total body chemistry changes, his immune system strengthens, his physical-mental-emotional condition alters and healing is expedited.
Perhaps this story helps us understand that we don’t need to operate from the polarity thinking of good and bad, right and wrong, but to recognize that there are gifts in every experience. What are the blessings in your experience?
Scientist and workshop leader, Gregg Braden, tells a story that came directly out of the newly discovered Essence scrolls. It relates a story concerning Jesus traveling to a small village where he was approached by a woman who had experienced leprosy all her life. In fact, she had leprosy prior to birth, while in the womb.
She asked Jesus to help her. She pleaded, “I have never had a friend or a man or even a pet because I am so ugly. Please release me from this condition.”
As the story goes Jesus responded with two questions. “Do you believe in me and the Father that sent me?” She relied that she did. The next question was “What have you learned from your disease?”
To this query she became upset. “I haven’t learned anything from it. I haven’t had a friend, a man, or a pet because I am so repulsive. I have been unloved because of this disease.”
With that Jesus replied that he could not heal her because she had not received the blessing from her illness. In this instance, he was responding with compassion. Without learning froman experience, you are doomed to repeat it.
We are here to learn from every experience. When you choose to be a victim of circumstances instead of learning from and through them, you have not completed the experience. The lesson has not been learned. You are essentially relegating yourself to repeat it until you “get it.”
We often see this with people who marry the same spouse (in different forms) repeatedly. Or when you move into a job situation where the same tyrannical boss resides (in different forms) or you continue to feel unappreciated in various circumstances.
What you might ask is what could one learn from having a debilitating disease like leprosy? It would seem that there are many opportunities to learn. One important lesson would be to not judge by appearances or to offer love to any and all people regardless of circumstances. Perhaps it is to recognize when you have allowed yourself to be a victim rather than a victor. Could we use our circumstances to become an advocate for others?
It has been proven that when a person lives life from the point of view and energy of love, his total body chemistry changes, his immune system strengthens, his physical-mental-emotional condition alters and healing is expedited.
Perhaps this story helps us understand that we don’t need to operate from the polarity thinking of good and bad, right and wrong, but to recognize that there are gifts in every experience. What are the blessings in your experience?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Looking Back to See Ahead Clearly: Processing 2011
At the end of a year and the beginning of another, it is a great time to look back and process your experience. Our goal here is to move ahead with clarity and gratitude and insure a new year of progress, joy, enlightenment, abundance and health. In that vein let us take time to consider the past year.
As we process the theme, lessons, and opportunities from 2011, we will be prepared to receive the gift of 2012. Answer the following questions, to process your year.
1. What did 2011 mean to you? What did you see as the predominant theme throughout the year? What experiences were most important and meaningful for you and how did they shape you? (What did you learn and how did you change?)
A. Predominant theme throughout the year was
B. Most important events, experiences were
C. What did you learn; how did you change?
D. What do your current lessons look like? (What are they?)
E. How did these experiences and lessons shape you? (What did you learn and how did you change?
2. What do you want to experience in 2010? (Experiences, desires, dreams, etc.) (These statements will determine your lessons and opportunities.)
3. What steps/goals will I need to commit myself to in order to achieve the above (2)? (This can be your resolutions or commitments to your self for the year.)
4. Your purpose in wanting the above (2) is
5. Appreciation of past experiences, opportunities and lessons puts them in perspective and also allow you to be open to the next situation, opportunity, and lesson. With this in mind, what do you most appreciate about your experiences in the past year?
6. Is there anything that you need to do to put closure to the year and be ready for a new year of exciting, grow-oriented, opportunity?
Anything else you need to add….
Resolution means to resolve or promise. Resolutions for the new year can work for you if you establish a bigger picture of why you want them By keeping in touch with your growth through the years, you can, with lucidity, calculate future steps. Then, as you maintain purpose, your resolutions become promises or commitments to yourself. and thus are easier to remember and keep.
Appreciation is a big part of growth. It paves the way for positive experiences. Without occasionally looking back, it’s hard to know where you’ve been or where you’re going. Do this with joy, acceptance, and appreciation.
As we process the theme, lessons, and opportunities from 2011, we will be prepared to receive the gift of 2012. Answer the following questions, to process your year.
1. What did 2011 mean to you? What did you see as the predominant theme throughout the year? What experiences were most important and meaningful for you and how did they shape you? (What did you learn and how did you change?)
A. Predominant theme throughout the year was
B. Most important events, experiences were
C. What did you learn; how did you change?
D. What do your current lessons look like? (What are they?)
E. How did these experiences and lessons shape you? (What did you learn and how did you change?
2. What do you want to experience in 2010? (Experiences, desires, dreams, etc.) (These statements will determine your lessons and opportunities.)
3. What steps/goals will I need to commit myself to in order to achieve the above (2)? (This can be your resolutions or commitments to your self for the year.)
4. Your purpose in wanting the above (2) is
5. Appreciation of past experiences, opportunities and lessons puts them in perspective and also allow you to be open to the next situation, opportunity, and lesson. With this in mind, what do you most appreciate about your experiences in the past year?
6. Is there anything that you need to do to put closure to the year and be ready for a new year of exciting, grow-oriented, opportunity?
Anything else you need to add….
Resolution means to resolve or promise. Resolutions for the new year can work for you if you establish a bigger picture of why you want them By keeping in touch with your growth through the years, you can, with lucidity, calculate future steps. Then, as you maintain purpose, your resolutions become promises or commitments to yourself. and thus are easier to remember and keep.
Appreciation is a big part of growth. It paves the way for positive experiences. Without occasionally looking back, it’s hard to know where you’ve been or where you’re going. Do this with joy, acceptance, and appreciation.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Reason for the Season
This is a story originally appearing in Woman’s Day Magazine in 1982 by Nancy Gavin. It portrays perfectly the spirit of the season.
It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past 10 years or so.
It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas – oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it --- overspending, the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma, the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else.
Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way.
Our 12 year old son Kevin was wrestling in a non-league match at the school he attended shortly before Christmas. The other team was sponsored by an inner-city church.
These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes.
As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler's ears.
It was obviously a luxury the ragtag team could not afford. Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around with false bravado, a kind of street pride, unable to acknowledge defeat.
Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, "I wish just one of them could have won," he said. "They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them."
Mike loved kids-all kids-and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball and lacrosse. That's when the idea for his present came.
That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent them anonymously to the inner-city church.
On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me.
His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and in succeeding years.
For each Christmas, I followed the tradition – one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on.
The envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning and our children, ignoring their new toys, would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal it's contents.
As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the envelope never lost its allure. The story doesn't end there.
You see, we lost Mike last year due to dreaded cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree, and in the morning, it was joined by three more. Each of our children, unbeknownst to the others, had placed an envelope on the tree for their dad.
The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope. Mike's spirit, like the Christmas spirit, will always be with us.
May we all remember each other, and the Real reason for the season, and God's true Spirit this year and always.
It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past 10 years or so.
It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas – oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it --- overspending, the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma, the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else.
Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way.
Our 12 year old son Kevin was wrestling in a non-league match at the school he attended shortly before Christmas. The other team was sponsored by an inner-city church.
These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes.
As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler's ears.
It was obviously a luxury the ragtag team could not afford. Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around with false bravado, a kind of street pride, unable to acknowledge defeat.
Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, "I wish just one of them could have won," he said. "They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them."
Mike loved kids-all kids-and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball and lacrosse. That's when the idea for his present came.
That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent them anonymously to the inner-city church.
On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me.
His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and in succeeding years.
For each Christmas, I followed the tradition – one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on.
The envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning and our children, ignoring their new toys, would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal it's contents.
As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the envelope never lost its allure. The story doesn't end there.
You see, we lost Mike last year due to dreaded cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree, and in the morning, it was joined by three more. Each of our children, unbeknownst to the others, had placed an envelope on the tree for their dad.
The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope. Mike's spirit, like the Christmas spirit, will always be with us.
May we all remember each other, and the Real reason for the season, and God's true Spirit this year and always.
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